Speed Limiter Legislation Delayed (Again)
The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) and FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) is providing more details on its reasoning for extending the comment period (again) on the proposed speed limiter legislation. The FMCSA reported that the request from OOIDA (Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association), EMA (Engine Manufacturer’s Association) came in ad had requested more time because of what is at stake.
OOIDA was looking for a 60-day extension and EMA was looking for a 30-day extension. The ATA (American Trucking Association) argued that the proposed rulemaking is starkly different in many areas from the initial petition for rulemaking as well. The ATA was looking for a 30-day extension.
This proposed speed limiter legislation goes back over a decade. The ATA feels there needs to be a policy in place at the federal level regarding speed and safety, however there are concerns of various state speed limit laws, the variance between having 1 set max speed and a tier of 3 max speeds and the largest concern the fact that regular automobiles can still travel at much higher speeds than the trucks sharing the same road.
Since the original legislation was proposed truck crashes and fatalities have out spaces passenger vehicle crashes and fatalities. Per a letter from several safety groups “from 2009 to 2014, total crashes increased by 10 percent, while truck crashes increased by 50 percent.” This information conflicts to what the FMCSA shows that states the crash rate for trucks decreased since 2006.
This conflict lies at the very heart of the extension as some groups state studies show speed limiters will increase safety while some propose it will do the exact opposite and will also be a costly burden to what is mainly small business owners.
For now, there is less than 30 days left on the extension for comment so we will see what new information is brought in from the various stakeholders.
For more information on the pending speed limiter legislation call 717-626-1107×3 or email sales@pnglc.com