Pre-audits are crucial in minimizing your freight spend and maximizing your 3rd Party Logistics relationship
Many 3rd Party Logistics companies rely solely on a post audit to monitor their customers shipping invoices, but at this point of the game, it’s simply too late. Regardless of what is found during the process of a post audit, ultimately it comes down to a he said, she said situation. Once the freight is delivered, there is no way to circle back to confirm the initial weight or dimensions, and if you do question the carrier’s findings, you are setting yourself up for a back and forth battle that rarely ends in the customer’s favor, also reflecting poorly on the logistics company.
In order to avoid this situation entirely, PNG Logistics takes an extra step to introduce the pre-audit into the equation. Once a shipment has been picked up from the shipper, it is then returned to the origin terminal. This is typically where any inspections, reweighs, or re-classes of the freight will occur. A report is generated with this information, and every morning our staff of highly trained account representatives follow-up on all pre-invoices that do not match our initial quotes. At this point, we request another inspection to confirm the accuracy of the information. With the sheer volume of freight passing through each and every terminal on a daily basis, mistakes are bound to happen, but there is no way to prove it if you aren’t pro-active. At PNG, we pride ourselves on taking this extra step, and as a result, 9 out of ten situations that are corrected never even reach our clients ears.
The soft savings alone in having unnecessary reweighs, inspections and re-classes corrected prior to invoicing, are what make PNG stand out as a leader in the industry. One extra step made by our operations department on the front end saves many headaches in the future as well as saving on your company’s bottom line. If your current Logistics provider is not conducting a regular pre-audit, maybe it’s time to reconsider how your transportation budget is best spent.
For more information on freight auditing email sales@pnglc.com or call 717-626-1107×3